
Friday, August 30, 2013

3 Posts Receive Top Awards for Hurricane Relief

Ken Governor
Dept. Cmdr. Governor
Three New York State American Legion Posts received National Emergency Post Excellence Awards for going "above and beyond to provide assistance to their community" in the aftermath of last fall's Hurricane Sandy, announced New York Department Commander Kenneth Governor of North Greenbush.

The awards, presented this week at The American Legion National Convention in Houston, recognizes Broad Channel Post 1404 in Queens County, and in Suffolk County, Babylon Post 94 and Northport Post 694 for providing such assistance as meals, temporary shelter, work areas for first responders, or operations centers for disaster response.

Broad Channel Post 1401 and Babylon Post 94 are receiving National Emergency Excellence Award plaques, and Northport Post 694 is receiving an Excellence Award honorable mention certificate.

Post Excellence Award presentation
National Commander James Koutz (right0 presents one
of the National Emergency Post Excellence Awards to
(l-r) Dept. Commander Ken Governor, Dept. Adjutant
Jim Case, and Past Dept. Commander Tim Van Patten.

Photo by DOUG MALIN..
"Since most of our posts are uniquely placed in communities and looked upon as community service organizations, providing disaster relief is perhaps one of the most visible ways we demonstrate our devotion to mutual helpfulness," Commander Governor said.

"The entire American Legion Family in the Department of New York offers congratulations and heart-felt gratitude for the outstanding efforts of the members of Broad Channel Post 1401, Babylon Post 94 and Northport Post 694."

Governor noted that since the Legion's National Emergency Fund assisted New York Legion Family members who were hard hit by Hurricane Sandy's devastation, Legion Posts from around the state made donations so that the Department of New York could present one of the largest contributions to the fund at the convention -- a total of $37,248.